Trajectory Engineer

Job Title: Trajectory Engineer


  1. Develop and analyze mission trajectories for the spacecraft to reach Enceladus and return to Earth.
  2. Determine the optimal launch window and trajectory to maximize the chances of mission success.
  3. Collaborate with other teams to ensure the spacecraft and payload are designed and built to withstand the rigors of the mission trajectory.
  4. Monitor and adjust the spacecraft’s trajectory during the mission as needed to ensure it stays on course.
  5. Analyze and mitigate potential risks associated with the trajectory, such as collision hazards and micrometeoroid impacts.
  6. Collaborate with the propulsion team to ensure the spacecraft has enough fuel for the mission trajectory.
  7. Communicate with other teams and stakeholders to keep them informed of the mission’s progress and any issues that may arise.
  8. Continuously monitor the mission progress and adjust the trajectory as needed to achieve the goal of collecting and photographing water from Enceladus.
  9. Work closely with the safety officer to ensure that the mission is performed safely and within compliance of all regulations.

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