25 Intriguing Questions About Enceladus: 

1. What causes the geysers on Enceladus?

2. What is the compositional makeup of Enceladus’ interior? 

3. Does Enceladus have a subsurface ocean?

4. Is Enceladus capable of sustaining life?

5. Are there any other moons in the Saturnian system with similar features as Enceladus?

6. How long has Enceladus been active?

7. What is the origin of the organic material found on Enceladus?

8. Is the subsurface ocean salty or fresh?

9. What is the average temperature of the subsurface ocean on Enceladus?

10. What type of geological features exist on Enceladus?

11. What causes the south polar jets on Enceladus?

12. How much tidal energy does Enceladus generate from its orbit?

13. Are there any other moons in the Solar System with similar features as Enceladus?

14. Is there any evidence of past or present plate tectonics on Enceladus?

15. What is the composition of the ice shell on Enceladus?

16. How does Enceladus interact with Saturn and its magnetosphere?

17. What evidence exists for an atmosphere on Enceladus?

18. How long has Enceladus been geologically active?

19. What is the history of Enceladus and its interaction with Saturn?

20. Is there any evidence that volcanism occurs on Enceladus?

21. Are there any regions of Enceladus that could support life?

22. Could the subsurface ocean on Enceladus be used as a potential source of resources for human exploration? 

23. How did the geography of Enceladus develop over time?

24. What forces maintain the shape of Enceladus’ orbit around Saturn?

25. What other moons are closely associated with Enceladus in its orbital path?